Real-time Unity WebGL avatar customization tutorial using Laravel and Livewire, showcasing user interface and interactive features for personalized avatars.

Real-time Unity WebGL Avatar Customization with Laravel & Livewire | Complete Tutorial

In today’s web applications, real-time interactivity is crucial for user engagement. This tutorial will show you how to create a dynamic avatar customization system that allows users to modify 3D models in real-time using Unity WebGL, Laravel, and Livewire.

Table of Contents

    So, Let’s Create real-time Unity WebGL avatar customization with Laravel & Livewire. Dynamic updates, skin color changes, clothing customization – no page reloads.


    • Basic knowledge of Laravel and PHP
    • Understanding of Unity and C#
    • Familiarity with JavaScript and WebGL
    • Laravel project with Livewire installed
    • Unity (2020.3 or later)

    System Architecture

    The system consists of three main components:

    • 1. Unity WebGL Build: Handles 3D model rendering and real-time updates
    • 2. Laravel Backend: Manages data persistence and business logic
    • 3. Livewire Components: Provides real-time UI updates without page reloads

    Implementation Steps

    1. Setting Up the Unity Project

    First, create a Unity project with your 3D avatar model. The key components include:

    • Avatar model with customizable elements
    • Materials for different skin colors and clothing
    • C# script for handling real-time updates

    2. Creating the Avatar Manager Script

    The Avatar Manager script handles real-time customization:

    public class AvatarManager : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private SkinnedMeshRenderer avatarRenderer;
        [SerializeField] private Material[] skinMaterials;
        [SerializeField] private GameObject[] clothingPrefabs;
        public void UpdateSkinColor(string colorCode)
            // Find and apply the corresponding skin material
            var material = skinMaterials.FirstOrDefault(m => == colorCode);
            if (material != null)
                avatarRenderer.material = material;
        public void UpdateClothing(string clothingId)
            // Deactivate current clothing and activate selected one
            foreach (var clothing in clothingPrefabs)
                clothing.SetActive( == clothingId);

    3. Laravel Backend Setup

    Create the necessary Laravel components:

    1. Migration for Avatar Settings
    2. Avatar Model
    3. Controller for handling updates
    4. Livewire Components for real-time interaction
    See also
    Create a Dynamic Weather Dashboard with Laravel, Livewire

    4. Implementing Real-time Communication

    The key to real-time updates is the communication between Laravel and Unity WebGL:

    // JavaScript bridge
    function updateAvatarAppearance(data) {
        const unityInstance = document.querySelector('#unity-canvas').contentWindow;
        unityInstance.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), '*');
    // Livewire event listener
    Livewire.on('appearanceChanged', data => {

    5. Handling WebGL Updates

    In Unity, create a message receiver:

    public void ReceiveWebMessage(string jsonData)
        var data = JsonUtility.FromJson<AvatarData>(jsonData);

    Best Practices and Optimization

    1. Texture Optimization: Use compressed textures for faster loading
    2. Caching: Implement client-side caching for frequently used assets
    3. Progressive Loading: Load assets progressively to improve initial load time
    4. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling for failed updates


    This implementation provides a seamless, real-time avatar customization experience. Users can modify their avatars instantly, with changes reflected both in the 3D view and the database.

    Next Steps

    • Add more customization options
    • Implement animation transitions
    • Add save/load functionality for different presets
    • Optimize for mobile devices

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