Beginner tutorial on a small Unity software project using MySQL by Abu Sayed, showcasing coding techniques and database integration.

Beginner’s Guide to Unity Software Development with MySQL: Step-by-Step Tutorial with Complete Codes

Welcome to your first adventure in Unity software development with MySQL! 🚀 Imagine building a game or app that remembers players’ scores, usernames, or even their favorite colors. That’s where MySQL, a friendly database tool, comes in! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to connect Unity to MySQL, create a simple project, and write code that even a kid can understand. Let’s dive in!

What You’ll Need

  1. Unity Hub (Install Unity 2021.3 or newer).
  2. MySQL Workbench (to manage your database).
  3. Basic C# Knowledge (don’t worry—it’s simpler than it sounds!).

Step 1: Setting Up MySQL

1.1 Create a Database

  1. Open MySQL Workbench.
  2. Click the “+” button to create a new schema (database). Name it UnityDB.
  3. Inside UnityDB, create a table named Players with these columns:
    • PlayerID (INT, Primary Key, Auto-Increment)
    • PlayerName (VARCHAR 45)
    • Score (INT)

1.2 Write the SQL Code

CREATE TABLE Players (  
    PlayerName VARCHAR(45),  
    Score INT  

Step 2: Connect Unity to MySQL

2.1 Install the MySQL Connector

  1. Download the MySQL Connector/NET (e.g., MySql.Data.dll) from the official site.
  2. Place the DLL file in your Unity project’s Assets/Plugins folder.

2.2 Write the C# Script

Create a new C# script in Unity named MySQLManager.cs.

using UnityEngine;  
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;  

public class MySQLManager : MonoBehaviour {  
    private string connectionString;  

    void Start() {  
        connectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=UnityDB;User=root;Password=;";  
        InsertPlayerData("SuperKid", 100);  

    void InsertPlayerData(string name, int score) {  
        MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);  
        try {  
            string query = "INSERT INTO Players (PlayerName, Score) VALUES (@name, @score);";  
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);  
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name);  
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@score", score);  
            Debug.Log("Data inserted!");  
        } catch (System.Exception e) {  
            Debug.LogError("Error: " + e.Message);  
        } finally {  

Step 3: Test Your Unity Project

  1. Attach the MySQLManager script to an empty GameObject.
  2. Press Play in Unity.
  3. Check MySQL Workbench—your data should be saved in the Players table! 🎉
See also
Mastering Unity WebGL and Laravel Integration: Solving Real-time Avatar Customization Challenges

Step 4: Display Data in Unity

Let’s fetch and show the player’s score!

4.1 Update the Script

Add this method to MySQLManager.cs:

void FetchPlayerData() {  
    MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);  
    try {  
        string query = "SELECT * FROM Players;";  
        MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);  
        MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();  

        while (reader.Read()) {  
            Debug.Log("Player: " + reader["PlayerName"] + " | Score: " + reader["Score"]);  
    } catch (System.Exception e) {  
        Debug.LogError("Error: " + e.Message);  
    } finally {  

Call FetchPlayerData() in Start() after inserting data.

Common Issues & Fixes

  • ❌ “Cannot connect to MySQL”: Ensure your MySQL server is running.
  • ❌ DLL not working: Check if the DLL is in Assets/Plugins and compatible with your Unity version.

Why This Matters

By connecting Unity to MySQL, you’re unlocking powerful features like saving progress, leaderboards, or user profiles! 🌟

FAQs for Beginners

What’s a database?

Think of it like a giant toy box where games store information (scores, names, etc.).

Can I use this for mobile games?

Yes! But you’ll need a remote server (ask a grown-up for help).

Final Tips

  • Always close database connections to avoid errors.
  • Use parameterized queries (like @name) to stop hackers.

Now go build something awesome! 👾 If you get stuck, just pretend you’re debugging a puzzle—every error is a clue! 🔍

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